United Lodge of Theosophists (India)

To spread broadcast the teachings of Theosophy as recorded in the writings of H.P. Blavatsky and William Q. Judge

The Dhammapada

This is said to be the purest recorded form of Buddha's teaching, in a special Theosophical edition published in 1955.

ISBN 0-938998-16-1

Selections From The Upanishads And Tao Te King

Here, published in one volume, are represented two of the great scriptures of ancient Theosophy. These, together with The Bhagavad-Gita and The Dhammapada, afford the student suggestive evidence that profound philosophy has always spoken a common language.

ISBN 9-938998-15-3

The Light Of Asia

Though this book is not strictly speaking an "ancient scripture," no student of Gautama Buddha can fail to feel that Sir Edwin Arnold's epic poem, The Light of Asia, is a beautifully compelling and philosophically accurate rendering of Buddha's life and teaching.

ISBN 0-938998-17-X

The Doctrine of the Bhagavad Gita by Pandit Bhavani Shankar

The doctrine of Avataras holds that at the beginning of every major cycle or Yuga, the Deity Himself descends on earth and illuminates the path to salvation which is best suited for the cycle of human development being inaugurated. And that every subsequent teacher of the cycle simply expands on this keynote and clarifies one or more of its facets. For our present cycle of Kali Yuga, this keynote is the Doctrine of the Bhagavad Gita. And Pandit Bhavani Shankar is one of those rare teachers who is able to bring out the occult meaning of this seminal doctrine. As such, this book is of immense value to all who are in earnest search of pure Wisdom.

ISBN 978-93-340-5505-4

There is no Religion Higher Than Truth - सत्यात् नास्ति परो धर्मः

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