United Lodge of Theosophists (India)

To spread broadcast the teachings of Theosophy as recorded in the writings of H.P. Blavatsky and William Q. Judge

Theosophical Movement Magazine

A Magazine Devoted to The Living of the Higher Life

Subscribe to receive physical copies of the Theosophy Movement magazine. Current year issues are running from . October 17th will be the last issue of the year, after which, you can subscribe for the subsequent year.

Within India

₹30 / year

  • Including shipping cost
  • Posted on 17th of every month
  • 2-3 weeks shipping time
  • Ships from Mumbai

Outside India

£14-19/ year

  • Including shipping cost
  • Ships to America, Europe and Africa
  • 4-5 weeks shipping time
  • Shipping cost varies
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