For the Guidance of Platform Workers

  1. The U.L.T. is a training School for students of Theosophy.
  2. The first and foremost purpose of its platform is the presentation of the teachings of Theosohpy as recoded in the Message of H.P. Blavatsky and in the writings of W.Q. Judge as they are consistent with that Message.
  3. Students in answering questions should pause long enough to repeat the question clearly and audible and then enquire of themselves;
    1. do I know what Theosophy teaches on this particular point;
    2. can I point out to an actual reference in the recoded teachings.
  4. Let the student frankly admit that he does not know if this should be the case.
  5. Under no circumstances is he to guess or speculate, or voice his own personal views, beliefs or opinions.
  6. The audience comes to hear what Theosophy has to offer, not what this or that individual may feel, or think or believe.
  7. In this connection it is also necessary to remember that although questions from the audience are not only in order but most welcome, the floor should not be used by a questioner to hear his own voice, or to give an account of his own system of thought or to enter into an argumentative discussion with the platform or the rest of the audience.
  8. Such a newcomer can always be told, politely but firmly, what the purpose of the Meeting is and his definite question promptly solicited. This should be done before he has had tie to give a lecture of his own.
  9. Should the student himself get involved in an argument, or forget himself to the extent of giving his own ideas, on the subject, the chairman or some other student can always call his attention back to the lines laid down by an appropriate question such as: what does Theosophy say on this point? Or: where is this found in the Philosophy, please?
  10. The student called to order should learn to welcome gratefully such co-operation from his co-students and should never allow such interruptions to hurt his feelings.
  11. His personality should be in the background as much as possible, and he should merely answer impersonally from the platform in terms of the philosophy.
  12. When the question is difficult, if the student remembers well, but cannot cite the reference to it in the textbooks, let him ask for the correct passage and read it, rather than try to interpret it in his own way. He should then try to incorporate the text in the answer, the better it is as then there is less danger of misrepresentations due to lack of understanding or peculiarity of language and express.
  13. Nor does it matter if the student has not yet obtained conviction on this or that Specific teaching of Theosophy. This does not do away with his responsibility while on the platform to state what Theosophy offers as an explanation. His is the duty of the student at School or College reciting faithfully the lesson that has been assigned to him.
  14. If his presentation of the teachings seem colored or involved to any of other Students, the student on the platform can be asked: could you please give us the exact reference.
  15. Hence the necessity for the student on the platform to observe Nr. 3 and ask himself: where is the answer to this point to be found in our Theosophical literature? There is no necessity for rush and haste nor any objection in allowing oneself time to think and to recall the teachings to his brain consciousness. Some minds think slower than others and it is risky to try and answer quickly if no thought has been given to the question. That is why each question should be slowly and deliberately repeated as also indicated under Nr. 3.
  16. It is not only permissible but advisable to refer also to one or other of the ancient Scriptures, but then the student must be certain that he knows the Theosophical interpretation of the reference he quotes. Does he know what H.P.B. and her Masters have actually given on that point? If he does not, let him not mention or that Scripture with his own interpretation of its meaning. The key of Universal Symbolism is an exact key and Theosophy as exact Science. We as individuals may not know, or not understand, or not accept this or that statement of fact recorded in the mathematics of the Soul, but in the Science itself there cannot be two different answers for the same question, not is there vagueness, confusion or contradictions. All these are but result from our lack of knowledge, our personal bias, and our imperfections. As H.P.B. wrote in announcing her last book, The Key to Theosophy:
    "With the present publication of the 'Key to Theosophy', a new work that explains clearly and in plain language what our esoteric Theosophy believes in and what it disbelieves and positively rejects, there will remain no more pretexts for flinging on our heads fantastic accusations." (Lucifer, Vol. 7)

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