IN the introduction to the Secret Doctrine, H. P. Blavatsky boldly affirms the existence of a great Fraternity of Men, Adepts, who preserve the true philosophy through all changes, now revealing it, and again, at certain eras, withdrawing it from a degraded age; and emphatically she says that the doctrine is never a new one, but only a handing on again of what was always the system. Then referring to the reception her works would receive in this century (Introd. xxxvii), she says that scholars with reputations would not regard the teachings seriously, but that "they will be derided and rejected à priori in this century."
This is quite definite, and was a prophetical statement. All Theosophists have witnessed its confirmation, for surely both she and the old teachings given out have been derided and rejected. Derision arose first on the ground that such things could not be. If there was no strength in the theories advanced, derision would have been all they should have met, but soon their power compelled enough attention to bring on rejection. So this prophecy is fulfilled.
The next one is in the same sentence, and may serve to give courage to those who have found light, hope, and strength in Theosophy, and to those ardent members who are not so old as to fail in living a few more years. Continuing, she declares that the derision and rejection met in this century would be "only in this one. For in the twentieth century of our era scholars will begin to recognize that the Secret Doctrine has neither been invented nor exaggerated, but, on the contrary, simply outlined; and finally, that its teachings antedate the Vedas."
We have but eight years to wait for this recognition, and then, as she has said in a private letter of some years ago, after her death―already accomplished―Theosophists and the world will know what they have lost. It is not long to wait, and here is a prophecy easy to watch and profit by. These words of hers are not the cry of a martyr, but the clear, bold tone of the sage who, while giving out right teachings in a transitory, a preparatory age, knows full well that present recognition is an impossibility; there is no regret and no note of disappointed hope in it, for she had no such hopes or ambitions to be defeated, and perchance will be on the scene at the time of the prophesied indorsement.
The bearing of the statement about the Vedas is important for those Theosophists to remember who, whether Hindus or Westerns, have now and then fancied that H.P.B. rested on and worked for the Indian sacred books. For if her teachings will be one day shown to antedate the Vedas, then they must be superior to the latter and to all Shastras, Puranas, and Sutras. What, then, of caste and any school of peripatetics founded upon individual constructions? The answer is easy for those who shall believe in the superior doctrine.
Then passing on to the next page (Introd. xxxviii) to touch upon the subject of the Messenger from the great Fraternity―she herself being the one for this Century―she observes significantly: that "In Century the Twentieth some disciple more informed, and far better fitted, may be sent by the Masters of Wisdom to give final and irrefutable proofs that there exists a science called Gupta-Vidya; and that, like the once-mysterious sources of the Nile, the source of all religions and philosophies now known to the world has been for many ages forgotten and lost to men, but is at last found."
Herein are two prophetical intimations. The first, that in the Century just at hand the Masters may send another Messenger with power, learning, strength, and credentials to carry on the work she began and in which we have been so fortunate as to be companions; the second, that this Messenger will make clear the sources we have sought. The first will be glorious, the second satisfying; and both will help humanity. It is not long to wait, eight years! And cannot indiscreet Theosophists put off attempts at the making of dogmas they might have trouble to give up?
To close these words on the future she says (Introd. xliv), "And then the last prophecy contained in that book (the first volume of the prophetic record for the Black Age) will be accomplished. We have not long to wait, and many of us will witness the Dawn of the New Cycle, at the end of which not a few accounts will be settled and squared between the races."
This new cycle begins in the next century, and when the end of it is reached much that is now unknown will have been revealed; the earth itself will give up the secrets of the past, in ignorance of which our day has laughed at the ancients; the Fraternity will have caused "accidental discoveries" of manuscripts and objects, the finding of which will make many a theologian quake and bring to the barbarian followers of the ancients great joy that they did not bow down and worship the Golden Calf of today. And even if that great day should be some centuries away, we know that we shall all be present in better bodies with better minds, if only we have patience, fidelity, and courage now.
Path, December, 1892