THERE are alleged to exist in India certain Sibylline books called Nadigrandhams. As the name indicates, they are compilations of astrological statements or predictions, and are supposed to contain actual prophecies fitting into the lives of inquirers as well as into the history of a village. They resemble the Sibylline books of Rome, which prophesied, it is said, for over two hundred years, all the important events in the affairs of the Eternal City.

In May, 1885, Col. H. S. Olcott, President of the Theosophical Society, hearing of some of these books in Madras, had an interview at the headquarters with the astrologer who possessed them, in the presence of two witnesses.

In reporting the predictions in the May article1 he left certain blanks saying that he would speak regarding it in twelve months, and that the unpublished portion concerned the welfare of the society. The prophecy was:―

The society is now, April 3, 1885, passing through a dark cycle, which began August 24, 1884; it will last nine months and sixteen days more, making seventeen months for the whole period. By the end of fourteen months next following the seventeen dark months, the society will have increased threefold in power and strength, and some who have joined it and worked for its advancement shall attain gnyanam.2 The society will live and survive its founders for many years, becoming a lasting power for good; it will survive the fall of governments.

And you (H.S.O.) will live from this hour, twenty-eight years, five months, six days, fourteen hours, and on your death the society will have 156 principal branches, not counting minor ones, with 50,000 enrolled members; before that, many branches will rise and expire, and many members come and go.

At the time the society was founded in 1875, the editor of this journal was present in New York when the proposed name was discussed, and it was prophesied after the selection had been made that the organization was destined to accomplish a great work, far beyond the ideas of those present. Since then many members have followed the example of Buddha's proud disciples and deserted the cause―others have remained.

In Paris, in 1884, the Coulomb scandal had not exploded, but warnings of it were heard. One night in the Rue Notre Dame des Champs, an astrologer consulted a nadigrandham for a reply to queries as to what was brewing. The reply was: "A conspiracy; but all will be suddenly discovered, and will come to nothing."3 Such was the result as to the discovery, and for the balance of the later prophecy let time disclose.

"The desire of the pious shall be accomplished."

1 See No. 68 (May, 1885) Theosophist.

2 Gnyanam is translated "higher knowledge," which does not merely mean acquirement of greater so-called mortal or ordinary knowledge, but that kind of knowledge which is only attained by rising to higher spiritual planes, and which transcends the highest of ordinary knowledge of the greatest literati or scientist.

3 This was written then to various persons in Paris, London, New York, and India.

Path, April, 1886