CONTENTS of HPB Articles

  1. Adyar, A Puzzle fromI 217
  2. A Few Thoughts on Some Wise Words from a Wise ManIII 80
  3. Affinities between Man and Nature, The Electric and MagneticII 397
  4. African MagicII 520
  5. After-Life, Dialogue on the Mysteries of theII 194
  6. Ahriman, The Devil's Own—Thoughts on Ormuzd andIII 300
  7. An Astral ProphetII 369
  8. Ancient Doctrines Vindicated by Modern ProphecyIII 76
  9. Ancient Magic in Modern ScienceII 431
  10. Animals Souls? HaveII 301
  11. Animals Suffer? Why DoII 327
  12. Animated StatuesII 337
  13. A Note on "Memory"II 206
  14. Answers, Queries andII 467
  15. Answers to QueriesI 328
  16. Antiquity of the VedasIII 321
  17. Apostles and Pseudo-Messiahs, ModernII 514
  18. Appendix, EditorialIII 330
  19. Appollonius Tyaneus and Simon MagusIII 161
  20. Are Chelas "Mediums"?I 295
  21. Art and Beauty, Civilization, the Death ofI 149
  22. Atoms, Transmigration of theII 249
  23. Authorities, Literary Jottings on Criticism andII 389
  1. Babel of Modern Thought, TheIII 35
  2. Black Magic in ScienceII 418
  3. Blessings of Publicity, TheII 393
  4. Books, MyI 475
  5. Brothers", Madame Blavatsky on the "HimalayanI 315
  6. Buddhism" and the "Secret Doctrine", "EsotericIII 18
  7. Buddhism", A Puzzle in "EsotericIII 10
  8. Buddhism, Christianity and PhallicismIII 29
  1. Cagliostro a "Charlatan"? WasIII 152
  2. Can the Mahatmas Be Selfish?I 321
  3. Case of Obsession, AII 485
  4. Cat", "It's theI 496
  5. ChelasI 299
  6. Chelas and Lay ChelasI 308
  7. Chinese SpiritsII 348
  8. Christianity and Phallicism, Buddhism,III 29
  9. Christianity, Leo Tolstoi and His UnecclesiasticalIII 109
  10. Christmas Then and Christmas NowIII 58
  11. Church and Masonry, The Roots of Ritualism inIII 203
  12. Church, Star-Angel Worship in the Roman CatholicIII 386
  13. Civilization, The Death of Art and BeautyI 149
  14. Classification of "Principles"II 233
  15. Comment, EditorialIII 91
  16. Crime? Is Foeticide aII 335
  17. Crime? Is Suicide aII 329
  18. Criticism and Authorities, Literary Jottings onII 389
  19. Critics, Old Philosophers and ModernI 12
  20. Cross and FireII 490
  21. Culture, Progress andIII 309
  22. Cycle and the Next, OurI 367
  23. Cycle Moveth, TheI 355
  24. Cycles, The Theory ofIII 69
  25. Cycle, The NewI 397
  1. Danger, A Signal ofIII 145
  2. Dead, She Being, Yet SpeakethI 115
  3. Death and Satan, Stray Thoughts onIII 267
  4. Death, Life andII 264
  5. Death of Art and Beauty, Civilization, theI 149
  6. Denials and the Mistakes of the Nineteenth Century, TheIII 132
  7. Denunciation a Duty? IsI 199
  8. Desire to Live Selfish? Is theII 115
  9. Devil's Own, The—Thoughts on Ormuzd and AhrimanIII 300
  10. Diagnoses and PalliativesIII 117
  11. Dialogue on the Mysteries of the After-LifeII 194
  12. Dialogues between the Two EditorsII 38
  13. "Discrepancies", SeemingI 488
  14. Doctrines, Ancient, Vindicated by Modern ProphecyIII 76
  15. Does Vaccination Prevent Smallpox?I 337
  16. Dogma, A Society without aI 260
  17. Do the Rishis Exist?III 365
  18. Drift of Western Spiritualism, TheII 458
  19. Druses, Lamas andIII 281
  20. Dual Aspect of Wisdom, TheII 28
  21. Duty? Is Denunciation aI 199
  22. Dying, Memory in theII 375
  1. Editorial AppendixIII 330
  2. Editorial CommentIII 91
  3. Editors, Dialogues between the TwoII 38
  4. 1888I 215
  5. 1890! On the New Year's MorrowII 495
  6. Eighth Wonder, TheIII 63
  7. Electric and Magnetic Affinities between Man and Nature, TheII 397
  8. ElementalsII 127
  9. Elementals, Thoughts on theII 164
  10. Esoteric Axioms and Spiritual SpeculationsIII 326
  11. "Esoteric Buddhism" and the "Secret Doctrine"III 18
  12. "Esoteric Buddhism", A Puzzle inIII 10
  13. Esoteric Character of the GospelsIII 168
  14. Evil, The Origin ofI 124
  1. Fall of Ideals, TheI 137
  2. Fascination, Hypnotism and its Relations to Other Modes ofII 477
  3. Fellow-Men? What Shall We Do for OurI 459
  4. Few Thoughts on Some Wise Words from a Wise Man, AIII 80
  5. Fire, Cross andII 490
  6. Foeticide a Crime? IsII 335
  7. Force of Prejudice, TheIII 1
  8. FragmentsII 526
  1. GeniusII 119
  2. Gospels, Esoteric Character of theIII 168
  1. Have Animals Souls?II 301
  2. "Himalayan Brothers", Madame Blavatsky on theI 315
  3. Hindu Ships, OldI 335
  4. History of a Planet, TheIII 376
  5. H. P. Blavatsky on Precipitation and Other MattersII 508
  6. Human Magnets, Nature'sII 355
  7. Hypnotism and Its Relations to Other Modes of FascinationII 477
  1. Ideals, The Fall ofI 137
  2. Imperfections of Science, TheII 446
  3. India, Why I Do Not Return toI 106
  4. Intro-Version of Mental VisionII 474
  5. Is Creation Possible for Man?I 324
  6. Is Denunciation a Duty?I 199
  7. Is Foeticide a Crime?II 335
  8. "Isis Unveiled" and the "Theosophist" on ReincarnationI 491
  9. Isis Unveiled and the VisishtadwaitaIII 264
  10. Is Suicide a Crime?II 329
  11. Is the Desire to Live Selfish?II 115
  12. Is Theosophy a Religion?I 56
  13. "It's the Cat!"I 496
  1. Jesuitism? Theosophy orIII 95
  1. Kabalah and the Kabalists, TheIII 235
  2. Karmic VisionsI 382
  3. Kosmic MindII 179
  4. Kum Bum, The Sacred Tree ofIII 352
  1. Lamas and DrusesIII 281
  2. Land of Mystery, AIII 410
  3. Last Song of the Swan, TheI 409
  4. Lay Chelas, Chelas andI 308
  5. Leo Tolstoi and His Unecclesiastical ChristianityIII 109
  6. Le Phare de L`InconnuI 424
  7. "Let Every Man Prove His Own Work"I 69
  8. Life and DeathII 264
  9. Life Atoms, Transmigration of theII 249
  10. Life Principle, TheII 257
  11. Life, The Science ofII 207
  12. Literary Jottings on Criticism, Authorities, and Other MattersII 389
  13. Lodges of MagicI 287
  14. Logic Versus PeripateticII 461
  15. 'Lucifer'," "To the Readers ofI 279
  16. "Lucifer", What's in a Name?—Why the Magazine is calledIII 369
  1. Madame Blavatsky on "the Himalayan Brothers"I 315
  2. Magic, AfricanII 520
  3. Magic in Modern Science, AncientII 431
  4. Magic in Science, BlackII 418
  5. Magic, Lodges ofI 287
  6. Magnetic Affinities between Man and Nature, The ElectricII 397
  7. Magnetism, The Substantial Nature ofII 402
  8. Magnets, Nature's HumanII 355
  9. Magus, Simon and Appollonius TyaneusIII 161
  10. Mahatmas and ChelasI 293
  11. Mahatmas Be Selfish? Can theI 321
  12. Mahatmas", "The TheosophicalI 301
  13. Masonry, The Roots of Ritualism in Church andIII 203
  14. "Mediums"? Are ChelasI 295
  15. Memory, A Note onII 206
  16. Memory in the DyingII 375
  17. Mental Vision, Intro-Version ofII 474
  18. Mind in Nature, TheII 217
  19. Mind, KosmicII 179
  20. Missing Link, TheI 341
  21. Mistaken Notions on the "Secret Doctrine"I 485
  22. Mistakes of the Nineteenth Century, TheIII 132
  23. Modern Apostles and Pseudo-MessiahsII 514
  24. Modern Thought, The BabelIII 35
  25. Mote and the Beam, TheI 176
  26. My BooksI 475
  27. Mysteries of the After-Life, Dialogue on theII 194
  28. Mysterious Race, AIII 55
  29. Mystery, A Land ofIII 410
  1. Name? What's in a—Why the Magazine is called "LuciferIII 368
  2. Nature's Human MagnetsII 355
  3. Nature, The Electric and Magnetic Affinities between Man andII 397
  4. Nature, The Mind inII 217
  5. Negators of Science, TheII 75
  6. New Cycle, TheI 397
  7. New Year's Morrow, 1890! On theII 495
  8. Nineteenth Century, The Denials and Mistakes of theIII 132
  9. Noetic Action, Psychic andII 7
  10. Number Seven and Our Society, TheI 351
  11. Number Seven, TheI 345
  12. Numbers, Stars andIII 401
  13. Nutshell, The Universe in aII 290
  14. Objects, Our ThreeI 83
  15. Obsession, A Case ofII 485
  16. Occultism, PracticalII 91
  17. Occultism Versus the Occult ArtsII 100
  18. Occult or Exact ScienceII 46
  19. Old Hindu ShipsI 335
  20. Old Philosophers and Modern CriticsI 12
  21. Olympus, War inII 448
  22. On Pseudo-TheosophyI 161
  23. On the New Year's Morrow, 1890!II 495
  24. Organisation of the Theosophical Society, TheI 223
  25. Origin of Evil, TheI 124
  26. Ormuzd and Ahriman, The Devil's Own—Thoughts onIII 300
  27. Our Cycle and the NextI 367
  28. Our Three ObjectsI 83
  1. Palliatives, Diagnoses andIII 117
  2. Paradoxical World, AI 187
  3. Peripatetic, Logic VersusII 461
  4. Persian Zoroastrianism and Russian VandalismIII 293
  5. Pertinent QueriesIII 15
  6. Pertinent QuestionsIII 165
  7. Phallicism, Buddhism, Christianity andIII 29
  8. Phare de L'Inconnu, LeI 424
  9. Phenomenal Growths, Premature andI 420
  10. Phenomena? What ofI 79
  11. Philosophers and Modern Critics, OldI 12
  12. Philosophers and PhilosophiculesI 91
  13. Planet, The History of aIII 376
  14. Popular Idea of Soul-Survival, TheII 223
  15. Posthumous Publication, AIII 276
  16. Practical OccultismII 91
  17. Pralaya of Modern Science, TheII 443
  18. "Precipitation"II 505
  19. Precipitation and Other Matters, H.P.B. onII 508
  20. Prejudice, The Force ofIII 1
  21. Premature and Phenomenal GrowthsI 420
  22. "Principles", Classification ofII 233
  23. Principles, Re-Classification ofII 244
  24. Principle, The LifeII 257
  25. Progress and CultureIII 309
  26. Progress, SpiritualII 110
  27. Prophecy, Ancient Doctrines Vindicated by ModernIII 76
  28. Prophet, An AstralII 369
  29. Pseudo-Messiahs, Modern Apostles andII 514
  30. Pseudo-Theosophy, OnI 161
  31. Psychic and Noetic ActionII 7
  32. Psychic Warning, AII 364
  33. Psychology—The Science of the SoulII 1
  34. Publicity, The Blessings ofII 393
  35. Puzzle from Adyar, AI 217
  36. Puzzle in "Esoteric Buddhism", AIII 10
  1. Queries and AnswersII 467
  2. Queries, Answers toI 328
  3. Queries, PertinentIII 15
  4. Questions Answered, Some ScientificII 440
  5. Questions, PertinentIII 165
  1. Race, A MysteriousIII 55
  2. Recent Progress in TheosophyI 265
  3. Re-Classification of PrinciplesII 244
  4. Reincarnation and Spirits, Theories aboutII 274
  5. Reincarnation, "Isis Unveiled" and the "Theosophist" onI 491
  6. Reincarnations in TibetIII 356
  7. Religion? Is Theosophy aI 56
  8. Rishis Exist? Do theIII 365
  9. Roman Catholic Church, Star-Angel-Worship in theIII 386
  10. Roots of Ritualism in Church and Masonry, TheIII 203
  11. Russian Vandalism, Persian Zoroastrianism andIII 293
  1. Sacred Tree of Kum Bum, TheIII 352
  2. Satan, Stray Throughts on Death andIII 267
  3. Science, Ancient Magic in ModernII 431
  4. Science, Black Magic inII 418
  5. Science? Occult or ExactII 46
  6. Science of Life, TheII 207
  7. Science of the Soul, Psychology—TheII 1
  8. Science, The Imperfections ofII 446
  9. Science, The Negators ofII 75
  10. Science, The Pralaya of ModernII 443
  11. Scientific Questions Answered, SomeII 440
  12. "Secret Doctrine", "Esoteric Buddhism" and theIII 18
  13. "Secret Doctrine", Mistaken Notions on theI 485
  14. Seeming "Discrepancies"I 488
  15. Seven and Our Society, The NumberI 351
  16. Seventeen-Rayed Sun Disc, TheIII 53
  17. Seven, The NumberI 345
  18. She Being Dead Yet SpeakethI 115
  19. Signal of Danger, AIII 145
  20. Signs of the Times, TheII 381
  21. Smallpox? Does Vaccination PreventI 337
  22. Society without a Dogma, AI 260
  23. Some Scientific Questions AnsweredII 440
  24. Song of the Swan, The LastI 409
  25. Soul, Psychology—The Science of theII 1
  26. Souls? Have AnimalsII 301
  27. Soul-Survival, The Popular Idea ofII 223
  28. Spirits, ChineseII 348
  29. Spirits, Theories about Reincarnation andII 274
  30. Spiritualism, The Drift of WesternII 458
  31. Spiritualism, Theosophy andII 368
  32. Spiritual ProgressII 110
  33. Spiritual Speculations, Exoteric Axioms andIII 326
  34. Star-Angel Worship in the Roman Catholic ChurchIII 386
  35. Stars and NumbersIII 401
  36. Statues, AnimatedII 337
  37. Stray Thoughts on Death and SatanIII 267
  38. Substantial Nature of Magnetism, TheII 402
  39. Suicide a Crime? IsII 329
  40. Sun-Disc, The Seventeen-RayedIII 53
  41. Swan, The Last Song of theI 409
  1. TetragrammatonIII 249
  2. Theories about Reincarnation and SpiritsII 274
  3. Theory of Cycles, TheIII 69
  4. Theosophical Mahatmas", "TheI 301
  5. Theosophical Society, Its Mission and Its Future, TheI 245
  6. Theosophical Society, The Organisation of theI 223
  7. "Theosophist" on Reincarnation, "Isis Unveiled" and theI 491
  8. Theosophists? What Are theI 48
  9. Theosophy and SpiritualismII 368
  10. Theosophy a Religion? IsI 56
  11. Theosophy, A Year ofI 210
  12. Theosophy or Jesuitism?III 95
  13. Theosophy, Recent Progress inI 265
  14. Theosophy? What isI 39
  15. Thoughts on Some Wise Words from a Wise Man, A FewIII 80
  16. Thoughts on the ElementalsII 164
  17. Thought, The Babel of ModernIII 35
  18. Tibetan TeachingsIII 337
  19. Tibet, Reincarnations inIII 356
  20. Tidal Wave, TheI 99
  21. Times, Signs of theII 381
  22. Tolstoi and His Unecclesiastical Christianity, LeoIII 109
  23. "To the Readers of 'Lucifer'"I 279
  24. Transmigration of the Life AtomsII 249
  25. Tree of Kum Bum, The SacredIII 352
  26. Truth? What isI 1
  1. Universe in a Nutshell, TheII 290
  1. Vaccination Prevent Smallpox? DoesI 337
  2. "Vahan"? Why theI 284
  3. Vedas, Antiquity of theIII 321
  4. Visions, KarmicI 382
  5. Visishtadwaita, Isis Unveiled and theIII 264
  1. War in OlympusII 448
  2. Warning, A PsychicII 364
  3. Was Cagliostro a "Charlatan"?III 152
  4. Wave, The TidalI 99
  5. Western Spiritualism, The Drift ofII 458
  6. What Are the TheosophistsI 48
  7. What Is Theosophy?I 39
  8. What Is Truth?I 1
  9. What of PhenomenaI 79
  10. What Shall We Do for Our Fellow-Men?I 459
  11. What's in a Name?—Why the Magazine is called "Lucifer"III 368
  12. Why Do Animals Suffer?II 327
  13. Why I Do Not Return to IndiaI 106
  14. Why the "Vahan"?I 284
  15. Wisdom, The Dual Aspect ofII 28
  16. Wise Words from a Wise Man, A Few Thoughts on SomeIII 80
  17. Work", "Let Every Man Prove His OwnI 69
  18. World, A ParadoxicalI 187
  19. World-Improvement or World-DeliveranceI 447
  1. Year Is Dead, Long Live the Year, TheI 504
  2. Year of Theosophy, AI 210
  3. Year's Morrow, On the New, 1890!II 495
  1. Zoroastrianism and Russian Vandalism, PersianIII 293