CONTENTS of HPB Articles
- Adyar, A Puzzle fromI 217
- A Few Thoughts on Some Wise Words from a Wise ManIII 80
- Affinities between Man and Nature, The Electric and MagneticII 397
- African MagicII 520
- After-Life, Dialogue on the Mysteries of theII 194
- Ahriman, The Devil's Own—Thoughts on Ormuzd andIII 300
- An Astral ProphetII 369
- Ancient Doctrines Vindicated by Modern ProphecyIII 76
- Ancient Magic in Modern ScienceII 431
- Animals Souls? HaveII 301
- Animals Suffer? Why DoII 327
- Animated StatuesII 337
- A Note on "Memory"II 206
- Answers, Queries andII 467
- Answers to QueriesI 328
- Antiquity of the VedasIII 321
- Apostles and Pseudo-Messiahs, ModernII 514
- Appendix, EditorialIII 330
- Appollonius Tyaneus and Simon MagusIII 161
- Are Chelas "Mediums"?I 295
- Art and Beauty, Civilization, the Death ofI 149
- Atoms, Transmigration of theII 249
- Authorities, Literary Jottings on Criticism andII 389
- Babel of Modern Thought, TheIII 35
- Black Magic in ScienceII 418
- Blessings of Publicity, TheII 393
- Books, MyI 475
- Brothers", Madame Blavatsky on the "HimalayanI 315
- Buddhism" and the "Secret Doctrine", "EsotericIII 18
- Buddhism", A Puzzle in "EsotericIII 10
- Buddhism, Christianity and PhallicismIII 29
- Cagliostro a "Charlatan"? WasIII 152
- Can the Mahatmas Be Selfish?I 321
- Case of Obsession, AII 485
- Cat", "It's theI 496
- ChelasI 299
- Chelas and Lay ChelasI 308
- Chinese SpiritsII 348
- Christianity and Phallicism, Buddhism,III 29
- Christianity, Leo Tolstoi and His UnecclesiasticalIII 109
- Christmas Then and Christmas NowIII 58
- Church and Masonry, The Roots of Ritualism inIII 203
- Church, Star-Angel Worship in the Roman CatholicIII 386
- Civilization, The Death of Art and BeautyI 149
- Classification of "Principles"II 233
- Comment, EditorialIII 91
- Crime? Is Foeticide aII 335
- Crime? Is Suicide aII 329
- Criticism and Authorities, Literary Jottings onII 389
- Critics, Old Philosophers and ModernI 12
- Cross and FireII 490
- Culture, Progress andIII 309
- Cycle and the Next, OurI 367
- Cycle Moveth, TheI 355
- Cycles, The Theory ofIII 69
- Cycle, The NewI 397
- Danger, A Signal ofIII 145
- Dead, She Being, Yet SpeakethI 115
- Death and Satan, Stray Thoughts onIII 267
- Death, Life andII 264
- Death of Art and Beauty, Civilization, theI 149
- Denials and the Mistakes of the Nineteenth Century, TheIII 132
- Denunciation a Duty? IsI 199
- Desire to Live Selfish? Is theII 115
- Devil's Own, The—Thoughts on Ormuzd and AhrimanIII 300
- Diagnoses and PalliativesIII 117
- Dialogue on the Mysteries of the After-LifeII 194
- Dialogues between the Two EditorsII 38
- "Discrepancies", SeemingI 488
- Doctrines, Ancient, Vindicated by Modern ProphecyIII 76
- Does Vaccination Prevent Smallpox?I 337
- Dogma, A Society without aI 260
- Do the Rishis Exist?III 365
- Drift of Western Spiritualism, TheII 458
- Druses, Lamas andIII 281
- Dual Aspect of Wisdom, TheII 28
- Duty? Is Denunciation aI 199
- Dying, Memory in theII 375
- Editorial AppendixIII 330
- Editorial CommentIII 91
- Editors, Dialogues between the TwoII 38
- 1888I 215
- 1890! On the New Year's MorrowII 495
- Eighth Wonder, TheIII 63
- Electric and Magnetic Affinities between Man and Nature, TheII 397
- ElementalsII 127
- Elementals, Thoughts on theII 164
- Esoteric Axioms and Spiritual SpeculationsIII 326
- "Esoteric Buddhism" and the "Secret Doctrine"III 18
- "Esoteric Buddhism", A Puzzle inIII 10
- Esoteric Character of the GospelsIII 168
- Evil, The Origin ofI 124
- Fall of Ideals, TheI 137
- Fascination, Hypnotism and its Relations to Other Modes ofII 477
- Fellow-Men? What Shall We Do for OurI 459
- Few Thoughts on Some Wise Words from a Wise Man, AIII 80
- Fire, Cross andII 490
- Foeticide a Crime? IsII 335
- Force of Prejudice, TheIII 1
- FragmentsII 526
- GeniusII 119
- Gospels, Esoteric Character of theIII 168
- Have Animals Souls?II 301
- "Himalayan Brothers", Madame Blavatsky on theI 315
- Hindu Ships, OldI 335
- History of a Planet, TheIII 376
- H. P. Blavatsky on Precipitation and Other MattersII 508
- Human Magnets, Nature'sII 355
- Hypnotism and Its Relations to Other Modes of FascinationII 477
- Ideals, The Fall ofI 137
- Imperfections of Science, TheII 446
- India, Why I Do Not Return toI 106
- Intro-Version of Mental VisionII 474
- Is Creation Possible for Man?I 324
- Is Denunciation a Duty?I 199
- Is Foeticide a Crime?II 335
- "Isis Unveiled" and the "Theosophist" on ReincarnationI 491
- Isis Unveiled and the VisishtadwaitaIII 264
- Is Suicide a Crime?II 329
- Is the Desire to Live Selfish?II 115
- Is Theosophy a Religion?I 56
- "It's the Cat!"I 496
- Jesuitism? Theosophy orIII 95
- Kabalah and the Kabalists, TheIII 235
- Karmic VisionsI 382
- Kosmic MindII 179
- Kum Bum, The Sacred Tree ofIII 352
- Lamas and DrusesIII 281
- Land of Mystery, AIII 410
- Last Song of the Swan, TheI 409
- Lay Chelas, Chelas andI 308
- Leo Tolstoi and His Unecclesiastical ChristianityIII 109
- Le Phare de L`InconnuI 424
- "Let Every Man Prove His Own Work"I 69
- Life and DeathII 264
- Life Atoms, Transmigration of theII 249
- Life Principle, TheII 257
- Life, The Science ofII 207
- Literary Jottings on Criticism, Authorities, and Other MattersII 389
- Lodges of MagicI 287
- Logic Versus PeripateticII 461
- 'Lucifer'," "To the Readers ofI 279
- "Lucifer", What's in a Name?—Why the Magazine is calledIII 369
- Madame Blavatsky on "the Himalayan Brothers"I 315
- Magic, AfricanII 520
- Magic in Modern Science, AncientII 431
- Magic in Science, BlackII 418
- Magic, Lodges ofI 287
- Magnetic Affinities between Man and Nature, The ElectricII 397
- Magnetism, The Substantial Nature ofII 402
- Magnets, Nature's HumanII 355
- Magus, Simon and Appollonius TyaneusIII 161
- Mahatmas and ChelasI 293
- Mahatmas Be Selfish? Can theI 321
- Mahatmas", "The TheosophicalI 301
- Masonry, The Roots of Ritualism in Church andIII 203
- "Mediums"? Are ChelasI 295
- Memory, A Note onII 206
- Memory in the DyingII 375
- Mental Vision, Intro-Version ofII 474
- Mind in Nature, TheII 217
- Mind, KosmicII 179
- Missing Link, TheI 341
- Mistaken Notions on the "Secret Doctrine"I 485
- Mistakes of the Nineteenth Century, TheIII 132
- Modern Apostles and Pseudo-MessiahsII 514
- Modern Thought, The BabelIII 35
- Mote and the Beam, TheI 176
- My BooksI 475
- Mysteries of the After-Life, Dialogue on theII 194
- Mysterious Race, AIII 55
- Mystery, A Land ofIII 410
- Name? What's in a—Why the Magazine is called "LuciferIII 368
- Nature's Human MagnetsII 355
- Nature, The Electric and Magnetic Affinities between Man andII 397
- Nature, The Mind inII 217
- Negators of Science, TheII 75
- New Cycle, TheI 397
- New Year's Morrow, 1890! On theII 495
- Nineteenth Century, The Denials and Mistakes of theIII 132
- Noetic Action, Psychic andII 7
- Number Seven and Our Society, TheI 351
- Number Seven, TheI 345
- Numbers, Stars andIII 401
- Nutshell, The Universe in aII 290
- Objects, Our ThreeI 83
- Obsession, A Case ofII 485
- Occultism, PracticalII 91
- Occultism Versus the Occult ArtsII 100
- Occult or Exact ScienceII 46
- Old Hindu ShipsI 335
- Old Philosophers and Modern CriticsI 12
- Olympus, War inII 448
- On Pseudo-TheosophyI 161
- On the New Year's Morrow, 1890!II 495
- Organisation of the Theosophical Society, TheI 223
- Origin of Evil, TheI 124
- Ormuzd and Ahriman, The Devil's Own—Thoughts onIII 300
- Our Cycle and the NextI 367
- Our Three ObjectsI 83
- Palliatives, Diagnoses andIII 117
- Paradoxical World, AI 187
- Peripatetic, Logic VersusII 461
- Persian Zoroastrianism and Russian VandalismIII 293
- Pertinent QueriesIII 15
- Pertinent QuestionsIII 165
- Phallicism, Buddhism, Christianity andIII 29
- Phare de L'Inconnu, LeI 424
- Phenomenal Growths, Premature andI 420
- Phenomena? What ofI 79
- Philosophers and Modern Critics, OldI 12
- Philosophers and PhilosophiculesI 91
- Planet, The History of aIII 376
- Popular Idea of Soul-Survival, TheII 223
- Posthumous Publication, AIII 276
- Practical OccultismII 91
- Pralaya of Modern Science, TheII 443
- "Precipitation"II 505
- Precipitation and Other Matters, H.P.B. onII 508
- Prejudice, The Force ofIII 1
- Premature and Phenomenal GrowthsI 420
- "Principles", Classification ofII 233
- Principles, Re-Classification ofII 244
- Principle, The LifeII 257
- Progress and CultureIII 309
- Progress, SpiritualII 110
- Prophecy, Ancient Doctrines Vindicated by ModernIII 76
- Prophet, An AstralII 369
- Pseudo-Messiahs, Modern Apostles andII 514
- Pseudo-Theosophy, OnI 161
- Psychic and Noetic ActionII 7
- Psychic Warning, AII 364
- Psychology—The Science of the SoulII 1
- Publicity, The Blessings ofII 393
- Puzzle from Adyar, AI 217
- Puzzle in "Esoteric Buddhism", AIII 10
- Queries and AnswersII 467
- Queries, Answers toI 328
- Queries, PertinentIII 15
- Questions Answered, Some ScientificII 440
- Questions, PertinentIII 165
- Race, A MysteriousIII 55
- Recent Progress in TheosophyI 265
- Re-Classification of PrinciplesII 244
- Reincarnation and Spirits, Theories aboutII 274
- Reincarnation, "Isis Unveiled" and the "Theosophist" onI 491
- Reincarnations in TibetIII 356
- Religion? Is Theosophy aI 56
- Rishis Exist? Do theIII 365
- Roman Catholic Church, Star-Angel-Worship in theIII 386
- Roots of Ritualism in Church and Masonry, TheIII 203
- Russian Vandalism, Persian Zoroastrianism andIII 293
- Sacred Tree of Kum Bum, TheIII 352
- Satan, Stray Throughts on Death andIII 267
- Science, Ancient Magic in ModernII 431
- Science, Black Magic inII 418
- Science? Occult or ExactII 46
- Science of Life, TheII 207
- Science of the Soul, Psychology—TheII 1
- Science, The Imperfections ofII 446
- Science, The Negators ofII 75
- Science, The Pralaya of ModernII 443
- Scientific Questions Answered, SomeII 440
- "Secret Doctrine", "Esoteric Buddhism" and theIII 18
- "Secret Doctrine", Mistaken Notions on theI 485
- Seeming "Discrepancies"I 488
- Seven and Our Society, The NumberI 351
- Seventeen-Rayed Sun Disc, TheIII 53
- Seven, The NumberI 345
- She Being Dead Yet SpeakethI 115
- Signal of Danger, AIII 145
- Signs of the Times, TheII 381
- Smallpox? Does Vaccination PreventI 337
- Society without a Dogma, AI 260
- Some Scientific Questions AnsweredII 440
- Song of the Swan, The LastI 409
- Soul, Psychology—The Science of theII 1
- Souls? Have AnimalsII 301
- Soul-Survival, The Popular Idea ofII 223
- Spirits, ChineseII 348
- Spirits, Theories about Reincarnation andII 274
- Spiritualism, The Drift of WesternII 458
- Spiritualism, Theosophy andII 368
- Spiritual ProgressII 110
- Spiritual Speculations, Exoteric Axioms andIII 326
- Star-Angel Worship in the Roman Catholic ChurchIII 386
- Stars and NumbersIII 401
- Statues, AnimatedII 337
- Stray Thoughts on Death and SatanIII 267
- Substantial Nature of Magnetism, TheII 402
- Suicide a Crime? IsII 329
- Sun-Disc, The Seventeen-RayedIII 53
- Swan, The Last Song of theI 409
- TetragrammatonIII 249
- Theories about Reincarnation and SpiritsII 274
- Theory of Cycles, TheIII 69
- Theosophical Mahatmas", "TheI 301
- Theosophical Society, Its Mission and Its Future, TheI 245
- Theosophical Society, The Organisation of theI 223
- "Theosophist" on Reincarnation, "Isis Unveiled" and theI 491
- Theosophists? What Are theI 48
- Theosophy and SpiritualismII 368
- Theosophy a Religion? IsI 56
- Theosophy, A Year ofI 210
- Theosophy or Jesuitism?III 95
- Theosophy, Recent Progress inI 265
- Theosophy? What isI 39
- Thoughts on Some Wise Words from a Wise Man, A FewIII 80
- Thoughts on the ElementalsII 164
- Thought, The Babel of ModernIII 35
- Tibetan TeachingsIII 337
- Tibet, Reincarnations inIII 356
- Tidal Wave, TheI 99
- Times, Signs of theII 381
- Tolstoi and His Unecclesiastical Christianity, LeoIII 109
- "To the Readers of 'Lucifer'"I 279
- Transmigration of the Life AtomsII 249
- Tree of Kum Bum, The SacredIII 352
- Truth? What isI 1
- Universe in a Nutshell, TheII 290
- Vaccination Prevent Smallpox? DoesI 337
- "Vahan"? Why theI 284
- Vedas, Antiquity of theIII 321
- Visions, KarmicI 382
- Visishtadwaita, Isis Unveiled and theIII 264
- War in OlympusII 448
- Warning, A PsychicII 364
- Was Cagliostro a "Charlatan"?III 152
- Wave, The TidalI 99
- Western Spiritualism, The Drift ofII 458
- What Are the TheosophistsI 48
- What Is Theosophy?I 39
- What Is Truth?I 1
- What of PhenomenaI 79
- What Shall We Do for Our Fellow-Men?I 459
- What's in a Name?—Why the Magazine is called "Lucifer"III 368
- Why Do Animals Suffer?II 327
- Why I Do Not Return to IndiaI 106
- Why the "Vahan"?I 284
- Wisdom, The Dual Aspect ofII 28
- Wise Words from a Wise Man, A Few Thoughts on SomeIII 80
- Work", "Let Every Man Prove His OwnI 69
- World, A ParadoxicalI 187
- World-Improvement or World-DeliveranceI 447
- Year Is Dead, Long Live the Year, TheI 504
- Year of Theosophy, AI 210
- Year's Morrow, On the New, 1890!II 495
- Zoroastrianism and Russian Vandalism, PersianIII 293