Aryan Path Magazine
Wherever thought has struggled to be free, wherever spiritual ideas, as opposed to forms and dogmatism, have been promulgated, there the great Movement is to be discerned. This aspect can rightly be named the Republic of Conscience; for, wherever human conscience is active, in honesty and sincerity, there the potency of Theosophy is present. The Aryan Path is the vehicle of this aspect of the Theosophical Movement, while it also presents teachings of practical value to the aspirant for the Higher Life and to the students of the esoteric science.
Mission of the Aryan Path:
- To penetrate the mind of the race with Theosophical ideas and principles of the Esoteric Philosophy.
- To present teachings about the Aryan or Noble Path which can be practised.
- To bring to the Westerner the Light of the East, and to present to the Oriental whatever there is — and there is a great deal — of beauty and worth in Occidental culture; at the same time to attempt to spiritualize the mind and to deepen the insight of many kinds of Free Thinkers, among whom are students of Theosophy with different affiliations.
During 1930–1938, B.P. Wadia edited the magazine (with T.L. Crombie as sub-editor) and contributed many important articles.1 Subsequent volumes have been evenly divided into epochs for ease of browsing.
1 These articles have been collated into separate pamphlets for ease of access.